Booth Number
Contact Number
(852) 5196 5206
English Company Profile
Albatech Pty Ltd, the manufacturer of Evcco products, is a technology driven enterprise involved with advanced polymer materials to deliver class leading performance. Our products are primarily used within the M&E sector and are often specified for use in areas of high traffic, high value assets and green buildings. The Evcco brand of LSZH-FR (Low Smoke Zero Halogen Flame Retardant) conduit and fittings are manufactured by Albatech Pty Ltd. in Sydney, Australia. Emphasis is in the production of eco friendly products that reduce or minimise environmental impacts caused by traditional materials. No toxic chemicals are used in the manufacturing process and our products, which are easily recycled, do not contain any Organo-Halides or Heavy Metals. Through constant research & development, our goal is to offer the highest quality and performance at the most cost effective level that will meet or exceed current performance standards. Using state of the art equipment in combination with high technology materials we can deliver substantial benefits over other materials. In concert with producing high quality products we are also committed to minimising our environmental impact through an active and responsible approach which is supported by our adherence to ISO9001 QMS & ISO14001 EMS, both management systems are certified and audited. 
In 2009 we commissioned an LCA by the Carbon Reduction Institute to validate GHG emissions. Evcco products have been independently tested and certified compliant to:- AS/NZS 2053:2001 Conduits & Fittings For Electrical Installations AS/ACIF S008:2006 Communications T HR SS 80002 ST Low Voltage Electrical Installations (Transport for NSW) EN 61386-21 Conduit Systems For Cable Management MDG3608 Non-Metallic Materials For Use In Underground Coal Mines
Chinese Company Profile
Albatech Pty Ltd是Evcco產品製造商,是一家利用最新聚合物材料生產產品的科技公司,在同類公司中處於領先地位。我們的產品主要用於機電領域,交通繁忙的地區、豪華建築和綠色建築常常使用我們的產品。 Evcco品牌的無鹵/低煙無鹵導管和配件是Albatech Pty Ltd.在澳大利亞悉尼生產的。 我們生產環保產品,減少或消除傳統材料對環境造成的不利影響。 我們在製程和產品中採用容易回收利用的無毒化學材料,不含有機鹵或重金屬。 我們的目標是透過不斷研發,推出達到甚至超過現有效能標準要求、品質和效能最高的產品。 我們採用最新科技設備和高科技材料實現可持續發展。 我們一方面生產高品質產品,同時亦承諾透過積極負責的製程將環境影響降到最小,我們的製程通過了實施的ISO9001 QMS和ISO14001 EMS管理體系認證和審查。2009年, 我們委託Carbon Reduction Institute(減碳協會)進行了壽命周期分析,結果證實符合溫室氣體排放要求。 Evcco產品通過下列獨立測試和認證: AS/NZS 2053:2001 電氣安裝導管和配件 AS/ACIF S008:2006 通訊 ESB E001 低壓電氣標準(NSW Railcorp) EN 61386-21 電纜管理導管系統 MDG3608 地下煤礦使用的非金屬材料
