Mr. Danny Mak

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Mr. Danny Mak

Environmental Protection Officer (Territory North) of the Hong Kong Environmental Protection Department

Mr. Mak Kin Man, holds a Bachelor’s degree in Civil and Environmental Engineering and a Master of Science degree in Environmental Management. He is an environmental engineer and a member of the Hong Kong Institution of Engineers. He played a role in the environmental management of a number of large-scale infrastructure projects including new town extension, reclamation works and new railway developments. 

Mr. Mak joined the Hong Kong Environmental Protection Department (EPD) in 2016 and took up the post of Environmental Protection Officer (Territory North) of Environmental Assessment Division in 2021, responsible for reviewing the Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) Ordinance and developing various IT systems including the Centralised Environmental Database to facilitate the EIA process, improving efficiency and effectiveness in environmental assessment.

Topic: Use of Smart Technologies for a Low-carbon EIA Process