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Yuelin Liang

2_Liang_YuelinYuelin has over 18 years of consulting experience in the civil engineering, Information technology (IT), and infrastructure planning and investment industries. He has a solid background in software and system engineering, and in-depth knowledge in urban infrastructure such as transportation planning and Intelligent Transport Systems, ICT and business intelligence, city sustainability and green transport, and building. He also has strong working experience in strategic planning, and urban infrastructure investment within the Public Private Partnership (PPP) arena.

The countries he has lived including the UK, China (including HK), Singapore, Germany, and the Seychelles. Major infrastructure firms he has worked for included Scott Wilson/URS (now merged with AECOM), Mouchel, Colin Buchanan & Partners in the UK, and Egis Group in France. He is a Principal Transport Consultant at Siemens AG, also heading the Mobility Consulting team based in Beijing covering the consultancy projects in Europe and Asia. Yuelin is a UK citizen.

His clients included the public sectors such as Singapore government, UK transport authorities, the European Commission, Chinese city authorities, and international financial institutions such as the World Bank, European Investment Bank, Asian Development Bank, and African Development Bank, and private lenders and concessionaires. Major consultancy projects he has been responsible for or significantly involved included:

  • China Zhuhai Green Transportation Indicator System Study
  • Singapore Resource Profiling/Energy Efficiency  2030 Project
  • China Zhuhai Green Transport Infrastructure Study
  • World Business Council for Sustainable Development’s China Yixing Sustainable City Infrastructure Development Project, and tram feasibility study
  • Utilities investment/fund raising/procurement projects (funded by EIB, AfDB) in the Seychelles
  • UK M25 DBFO (design, build, financing and operation): GBP6.2 billion
  • Qatar, Bahrain, Poland ITS master plans, transport master plans, and procurement plans
  • Prague (Czech Republic) congestion charging feasibility study
  • World Bank Hanoi Urban Transport Development Project in Vietnam: USD22 million
  • Technical due diligence and lenders’ advisor for a number of project financed motorway tolling projects in Greece Ionia Odos Expressway PPP (EUR1.4 billion) and USA Florida I-595 PPP (USD1.79 billion)
  • European Commission FP7 Programmes

He has a Bachelor degree in Civil Engineering from Harbin Institute of Technology (China), a double Masters degree (with Distinction and Best Student Award) in Information System and Software Engineering from City University London (UK), a joint Masters in Research in Transportation Engineering and Planning and Postgraduate Diploma in Engineering Management from University of Southampton (UK), and an EMBA (with Distinction and Best Student Award) from Imperial College London (UK). He regularly speaks at ITS conferences, and has a number of joint authored papers for international conferences (e.g. Intelligent Transport System World Congress) and China local transport journals. Before he was delegated to Siemens China, he was the Honor Secretary of ITS UK PTIG. He is a Member of British Computer Society and a Member of the Institute of Engineering and Technology. He is an Advisor to China NDRC Transport Institute, Transport Advisor to Shanghai Urban Construction and Design Institute and City Advisor to Zhuhai government. He is a member of Technical Expert Group of EU-China Smart City Cooperation Project led by EU-China Policy Dialogue Support Facility (PDSF).